"Happiness is your nature, eternal & unchangeable."

- Lukasz Uganowski

The liberation from all suffering is possible here and now.
I will accompany you on your path to awakening, towards your nature of eternal peace, true authenticity, undisturbed happiness, and pure joy of life.

- Lukasz Uganowski


  • Acceptance is a prison
  • Aha!, Stille
  • Akzeptanz & Instanz
  • Akzeptanz ist ein Gefängnis
  • All problems and worries stop the moment there is stillness of thought.
  • Alles nur Selbstgespräch Gottes, nicht mehr, nicht weniger.
  • Alles ist immer
  • Alles was existiert hat es nie gegeben
  • Das Dilemma,ist, dass es niemanden gibt, der einshätte haben können.
  • Das Allerschönste was dir passieren kann.
  • Awakening Process
  • Aufwachen Wollen
  • Anhaftung = Verhaftung
  • Das Ego kämpft um sein Dasein

You find yourself in a painful and hellish state, seeing no way out?

You've tried everything, done everything, yet still find no answers to your essential questions about truth, enlightenment, the reason for your suffering, and who you truly are?

If this applies to you, you are most likely in an inevitable spiritual awakening process. 

In my various offerings, such as individual sessions, it may happen that the dreamlike experience of the 'I' dissolves, revealing undisturbed peace, freedom, and happiness, bringing a fulfilled and happy life on all levels.

As a result, all suffering naturally disappears, and your true nature is revealed. 

You recognize yourself as eternal life, undisturbed peace and freedom, which you always have been, are, and will be.

A happy and fulfilled life in joy and purpose is a natural consequence of awakening from the dreamlike 'I'-illusion'.



Lukasz's offers for you at a glance:


Suggestions, aphorisms, texts, commented quotes and much more are posted daily in the WhatsApp group 'LUSH Meditation'. All of your urgent questions will also be explicitly addressed.

more info

Individual Sessions

Individual sessions take place either by telephone, Zoom or Skype. Personal individual meetings are also possible by arrangement.

more info

1 day with Lukasz

For one day, I will accompany you intensively over several hours in a personal one-on-one conversation. I am happy to come directly to your place of residence or we can meet at a prearranged location.

more info


Live talks take place at different locations in Germany (especially in RLP and Saarland). (upcoming live talks are currently being planned)

more info





Donations are not required. If you still want to donate, these will be used to optimize and improve the offerings, including: better technology and live event rooms as well as a broader and increased range of offerings.



You can also support me on Patronite:

to the Website




That which you truly are, you are eternally. That which you cannot not be, without ever being conditioned by any change. For it is what you are that seemingly brings all phenomenological events into appearance."
In both the individual sessions, the WhatsApp group, and the group offerings, the body-mind appearance of Lukasz points to the true nature of divinity, which is everything that is. These pointers have nothing to do with a teaching, dogmas, concepts, or beliefs that are passed on or transferred to 'students.' For a relationship between two or more entities is nothing but an illusion of phantoms. There is only what is: eternal life in infinite variations of self-experience. The basic identification of the 'I' is purely illusory.
Everything that seemingly happens or appears is nothing other than YOU in 'your' absolute self-experience.
From no one, for no one

